How rude of me, we haven’t even introduced ourselves. We’re the Andersons. I’m Evan, the lovely size-zero lass in the floppy sun hat is my wife Amy, and these are our best friends/children, Evan and Amy Jr. As you can see, we’re very fit and active. You know what our family’s average percentage of body fat is? Three. Yes, really. We got it tested last year when we all became organ donors. You may have noticed that I’m carrying Amy on my back. We do that a lot. At least once a day, and not just when we’re in fields like this; we do it on beaches and in urban environments as well. That’s what happens when your love is deep and playful like ours. You should also know that we also dab frosting on each other’s noses every single time we eat cupcakes, which is both mischievous and very us. Do you guys even eat cupcakes?. Colin Nissan
About This Quote

In this quote, it is proven that people must have a sense of humor to remain happy and healthy. In the case of the Andersons, they take things just a little too far. Evan, for example, is carrying his wife on his back. He is also doing her sweetheart number on her at all times.

Whether they are at a beach or a wedding, Evan and Amy always have a frosty on their noses. When they eat cupcakes, they always dab a little frosting on each other's noses, which is very mischievous yet very them. The quote above from 'The Devil Wears Prada' shows that marrying someone funny is what makes it perfect for a marriage as opposed to those who marry for love alone.

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